We are a learning community. We enjoy improving together. We are a community of kings living to glorify the King of Kings. Though the domains we have been called to might be different (business leaders, ministry leaders, authors, etc.), we all share a commitment to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in the spheres in which we have influence.

We believe that we are best when we are in community, when we run as a pack, not as lone wolves. We believe this is both more fun and more godly--and we aim for our community to reflect the joy and union of the Trinity. Having fun together matters as much as helping each other be more productive. So, we choose to come together and speak into each other’s lives. We choose to make an alliance with each other as fellow kings under the King of Kings. We will learn together, play together, work together and, when necessary, we will go to war together.


While we have seen the value of a single retreat, we also believe that this gets better the longer we are together. Our ability to encourage, challenge and enjoy each other increases exponentially over the years. As good as it is now, we can’t wait to see what it’s like when we have been running together for thirty years or more!

Our definition of community is a place where we:

  • know and are known;

  • love and are loved;

  • serve and are served;

  • challenge and are challenged;

  • and celebrate and mourn together.


We connect as a community through activities such as a fall retreat, a spring retreat, and group calls throughout the year (though we always reserve the right to get smarter and change our methods.) We don’t expect everyone to make it to every event. While these events are not the highest priority in our lives (which is reserved for our faith and our families), we do know that we can’t create true community without making it a true priority to gather together. If we want the fruit, we have to make a mutual effort to invest in each other and make ourselves available to be invested into.

Deep community like this is cumulative and exponential. The longer we run together, the more valuable our relationships become. So, while there is no formal commitment, our vision is to come together on a regular basis (at least annually), decade after decade. Our dream is to be doing life together for 40 years or more.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

- Matthew 6:33 NASB